[Bmi] Li Fei-Fei Falsification and AI Trapped

Juyang Weng weng at cse.msu.edu
Wed Mar 29 19:40:52 EDT 2017

How did Li Fei-Fei and others hand pick images? There have been no 
published information about the manual selection of the ImageNet data 
set. We can only find some clues from the Caltech 101 paper: "Two 
graduate students not associated with the experiment then sorted through 
each category, mostly getting rid of irrelevant images (e.g. a 
zebra-patterned shirt for the zebra category).”

Does this belong to Stanford University's definition of falsification?   
"Falsification means ... omitting data or results such that the research 
is not accurately represented in the research records” After two 
graduate students were told how to pick each category of images and did 
it, are they still "not associated with the experiment"?

English version: 
Chinese version: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-395089-1041896.html:

Juyang (John) Weng
------------------- Work ---------------------  ---- Technology Transfer ----
Professor                                       Founder
Department of Computer Science and Engineering  GENISAMA LLC
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Michigan State University                       --------- Outreach ----------
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Tel: 517-353-4388                               Brain-Mind Institute
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Email: weng at cse.msu.edu                         Brain-Mind Magazine
Web: http://www.cse.msu.edu/~weng/              Web: brain-mind-magazine.org
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